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March is Endometriosis Consciousness Month.
Dwelling with endometriosis is an actual ache within the pelvic space for a lot of ladies and folks assigned feminine at start. The ache could be debilitating, and a few folks could not even know they’ve
endometriosis as a result of it could actually take years to get a correct prognosis.
Endometriosis occurs when tissue much like the tissue lining in your uterus grows exterior of the uterus. These endometrial growths can bleed and swell and trigger ache and severe well being issues, together with infertility.
Learn: Quick Info About Endometriosis >>
The signs of endometriosis can mirror different well being situations, which is among the the reason why it could actually take a very long time to get an endometriosis prognosis. Another excuse is that not everybody has the identical signs. Some unusual indicators of endometriosis can embody shortness of breath, pimples and fatigue.
In honor of Endometriosis Consciousness Month, take our quiz to see how a lot you realize in regards to the fundamentals behind this widespread pelvic ache conditio
1. True or False: About 1 in 10 individuals who menstruate have endometriosis.
2. True or False: Bleeding between durations is an indication of endometriosis.
3. True or False: If you do not have signs, you don’t have endometriosis.
4. True or False: You are much less prone to have endometriosis for those who’ve by no means had youngsters.
5. True or False: Endometriosis can present up in different elements of the physique, together with your lungs.
6. True or False: Food plan and train can forestall endometriosis.
7. True or False: Surgical procedure is the one approach to know for certain that you’ve got endometriosis.
8. True or False: Surgical procedure is often step one when treating endometriosis.
9. True or False: Menopause could make endometriosis worse.
10. True or False: There are 4 phases of endometriosis.
11. True or False: Dolly Parton is among the celebrities who has endometriosis.
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#True #False #Endometriosis #HealthyWomen
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