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Top 25 Most Popular Recipes of 2023
Top 25 Most Popular Recipes of 2023: I love looking back at the year to see which recipes you loved the most! These are the most visited recipes created in 2023 according to Google Analytics.
It’s always so interesting to see which recipes become the most popular. Did you favorite recipe make the list?
As we approach the end of 2023, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past year. It’s been another incredible year sharing my recipes with all of you and getting your feedback. Some trends that stood out this year, recipes with cottage cheese and high protein recipes were all high on the list!
I’m also sharing links to my most popular posts from previous years, so if you are new to Skinnytaste or just want to start cooking more in 2023, these Top 25 Most Popular Skinnytaste Recipes are a great place to start! I never did get around to creating this list in 2018 and I apologize, but the yogurt bagel recipe for sure was number ONE! And if you’re new, don’t miss my free weekly meal plans I share every Friday! Lastly, join the Skinnytaste What’s Cooking Community on Facebook for inspiration and dinner ideas to see what everyone else is cooking. As we close out the year, I want to thank you all for your support and for joining us on this journey. Here’s to an even bigger and better 2024!
Made with pumpkin puree, oats, pumpkin pie spice, and Greek yogurt, these Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal Cups are an easy, creamy breakfast full of fall flavor. They’re perfect to make in advance for breakfast on-the-go!
This classic beef stew is the ideal dinner for a chilly weekend. Beef, carrots, potatoes, onion, celery, peas, and mushrooms come together in harmony, creating a cozy, comforting meal.
This quick and easy chipotle chicken recipe is made with boneless, skinless chicken thighs (or breasts). It’s smoky, spicy, and delicious for homemade burrito bowls, tacos, quesadillas, and more.
This easy turkey burger recipe is simple and delicious, perfect for a quick, healthy meal. You can make them ahead and freeze them for meal prep or grill them any night of the week.
This homemade coleslaw recipe is the perfect side to pair with anything you’re grilling this summer! Serve it as a side dish with sandwiches, burgers, hot dogs, and more.
A flavorful make-ahead lunch, this Italian sub broccoli salad is loaded with your favorite Italian hero fillings, like salami, ham, turkey, pepperoncini, mozzarella, and provolone!
I hopped on the smashed taco trend and made these turkey smash burger tacos a little lighter than what I’ve seen on TikTok. They came out delicious!