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An individual with dysphagia has bother swallowing, explains Medication.com. Most frequently seen in older adults, the situation can stem from nerve or muscle injury within the throat, blockages from esophageal tumors, in addition to spasms, irritation, or scarring, amongst many different causes. These with dysphagia might also expertise drooling, ache, regurgitation, gagging, acid reflux disease, weight reduction, and extra. In extreme instances, an individual could require emergency medical consideration.
The Commonwealth of Virginia Division of Behavioral Well being and Developmental Companies advises in opposition to the consumption of nut butters for these with dysphagia to reduce the probabilities of probably life-threatening choking incidents. Consultants spotlight how the sticky nature of nut butters could make it simple for them to change into caught in our airways and subsequently hinder respiration. Researchers from a 2020 research printed in BMC Geriatrics checked out 9 totally different smooth meals of various textures and the way a lot swallowing effort every meals required for older adults. The meals objects examined within the research have been boiled mashed potatoes, boiled mashed candy potatoes, boiled mashed pumpkin, mayonnaise, whipped cream, crimson bean paste, mango pudding, smooth tofu, and peanut butter.
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