April 8th Solar Eclipse: On April 8, a total solar eclipse will cross North America, the last time a total solar eclipse will be viewable from the continent until 2033. A total solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the earth and the sun, temporarily blocking the view of the sun from a part of the earth. It’s an incredible and rare sight to behold — but looking at a total or partial eclipse can severely and permanently damage your eyes and eyesight if not done with proper protection.
The major cities inside the path of the total eclipse are Mazatlan, Torreon, San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and Montreal. However a partial solar eclipse will be visible throughout most of the US — even observing a partial solar eclipse unprotected can damage your vision.
North America will experience totality again in 2033, when the next total eclipse crosses Alaska. In 2044, another total solar eclipse will occur and be visible in multiple continental U.S. states, including Montana and North Dakota.
How to protect your eyes when watching a solar eclipse
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