Get to Know Pediatric Liver Transplant Surgeon Frank DiPaola
I love having an extended connection with kids and families. Our team wants to treat kids and families like their our own because they deserve that level of care. and the bond that forms is really one of the most satisfying parts of our job.
2. What’s your favorite part of your job?
The bond that forms over time with kids and families is really one of the most satisfying parts of our job. Also, seeing kids smile.
3. What’s your biggest fear when you’re a patient?
Not being in control. Not knowing exactly what to expect.
4. What do you do for stress relief?
I spend time with my wife, watch movies, read books, and play with our children.
5. Dogs or Cats?
Dogs. I love cats, too, but I’m allergic to them.
Ready to Save a Life?
You can save someone’s life — a child or an adult — with a living kidney or liver donation.
6. What’s the last movie you saw? Thumbs up or down?
I recently watched Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope for the first time ever (finally!). I have since seen the other 2 from the original trilogy. Thumbs up!
7. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?
Love your family; love your neighbor.
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