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Vegetables and fruit get their purple, pink, orange, and yellow coloring from lycopene. It’s a carotenoid that has been related to bone well being, cardiovascular well being, hyperglycemia, and metabolic syndrome, along with stopping most cancers.
In keeping with a 2013 examine printed within the Worldwide Journal of Molecular Sciences, lycopene works by enhancing the antioxidant response of prostate cells whereas additionally inhibiting the speedy development of prostate most cancers cells. The examine additionally linked prostate most cancers cell demise (apoptosis) and diminished metastatic capability of those malignant tumor cells with lycopene consumption. A 2023 examine printed within the journal Cancers urged that an elevated consumption of meals wealthy in lycopene and selenium (a mineral present in nuts, seafood, eggs, and many others.) may assist cut back your danger of prostate most cancers and DNA injury that occurs due to ionizing radiation and/or oxidative stress.
Watermelon is a wealthy supply of lycopene. A cup and a half of the scrumptious and refreshing fruit incorporates about 9 to 13 milligrams, per the United States Division of Agriculture. Along with being a meals that may assist stop prostate most cancers, watermelon has one other surprising impact relating to prostate well being.
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