
Why Health And Wellness Matter For Employees

Why Health And Wellness Matter For Employees

The corporate world is characterised by hectic schedules, prolonged sitting, and quick meals during meetings. Prioritising employee health and wellness is a priority. Short, tight deadlines leave little room for personal time, causing employees to overlook their lack of physical activity. As a result, increasing the likelihood of conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity are more common. 

As technology advances, a growing number of people in the workforce are getting into sedentary office desk jobs. Prolonged hours of sitting lead to issues like weight gain, poor posture, back pain, and an increased risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, sedentary work can negatively affect mental health, contributing to higher stress, anxiety, and depression levels.

Focusing on both the physical and mental well-being of employees is a wise investment in achieving profitability. Encouraging fitness, managing stress, and supporting a healthy work-life balance lead to higher productivity, decreased absenteeism, and increased job satisfaction. These efforts reduce healthcare costs measured in terms of the no of insurance claims. 

Employee wellness includes a holistic approach. Today, it extends beyond a few workshops in a year. Effective wellness initiatives encourage healthier lifestyles and dietary habits that improve the metabolic health of individuals. Better health leads to better stress management techniques and improved work-life balance. These are prerequisites for employee loyalty and happy workspace. 

The Growing Importance of Employee Wellness 

During the 9-to-5 work routine, there’s a common preference for convenient and quick options, resulting in a higher intake of fast food, takeout, and processed snacks. Convenient processed and fast foods are usually high in calories, saturated fats, sugars, and sodium, lacking essential nutrients. These factors contribute to weight gain, poor digestion, and an increased risk of chronic diseases. 

Irregular work hours often lead to unhealthy eating patterns, with meals happening at odd times or while multitasking. The refined sugar content, unhealthy additives and preservatives in these items can lead to insulin resistance, weight gain, poor performance, and type 2 diabetes.

Consider implementing a company-wide wellness program which assists employees in developing healthy habits, lowering chronic disease risk, and promoting overall well-being. Encouraging healthy eating and regular exercise can contribute to increased energy levels throughout the workday.

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A frequently asked question is, “Can wellness programs really benefit employee health?” The answer is a definite yes. When employees embrace healthy behaviours, they are more likely to achieve better health outcomes. For instance, regular exercise and a balanced, nutritious diet can help lower the risk of chronic health conditions like PCOS among female employees, diabetes, and obesity. 

Women’s health needs are often overlooked or misunderstood in the workplace, particularly those with Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a severe form of PMS. For many PMDD sufferers, managing a full-time job becomes challenging if the workplace lacks flexibility or understanding of their needs. Therefore, it is crucial to seek a program that provides education, awareness, support, and clinical treatment for health conditions like PCOS. Customised wellness programs that cater to diverse needs ensure sustained interest and long-term success, fostering relevance and active participation. 

Elevate employee engagement and well-being with a comprehensive Corporate Wellness Program that goes beyond the ordinary

The Benefits of Promoting Employee Health and Wellness

Talking to the HealthifyMe team, one understands that successful Employee wellness programs inculcate healthy lifestyle habits and offer resources for mental and physical well-being. It’s a shift in the mindset of the people within that organisation that can occur with gentle reminders and seamless integration of activities in the daily lives of employees. For example, everyone in the workforce remembers to walk around for 5 minutes for every 1 hour of desk-bound work or to drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. In that case, the collective health of the organisation will improve. 

1. Increased Productivity

Studies indicate that healthier employees tend to be more productive at work as they are better rested, energised, and motivated to excel in their tasks. Engaging in workplace wellness programs helps employees stay committed to healthy habits, including exercise, which enhances sleep quality and boosts workplace productivity.

Workplace stress is inevitable, but a well-designed wellness program can effectively mitigate or eliminate prolonged stress, preventing a decline in productivity and unnecessary absenteeism due to sickness. By developing a wellness program with a specific focus on stress reduction, you can enhance your team’s performance and promote higher employee retention.

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2. Better Employee Engagement

Wellness programs create a motivated and engaged workforce, contributing to organisational commitment. For instance, implementing cultural wellness events, such as yoga retreats or group fitness challenges, improves employee engagement and team spirit in the workplace.

3. Reduced Healthcare Costs

Focusing on preventive care lowers healthcare expenses for employees and employers. Suppose an organisation focuses on preventive health measures, such as annual health check-ups, vaccinations, and wellness seminars. This approach minimises the need for extensive medical interventions, reducing overall healthcare expenses.

4. Retaining Top Talent

Comprehensive health benefits and wellness programs differentiate companies in retaining talent. Prioritising holistic health benefits, including traditional wellness practices like yoga or access to fitness activities and intra-office fitness challenges, sets companies apart. A happy and engaged employee is more likely to stay committed to the organisation. 

5. Improved Job Satisfaction

Prioritising employee wellness fosters a positive work culture, enhancing retention rates. For instance, organisations can integrate a supportive work culture that incorporates traditional wellness practices, like meditation breaks or stress-relief workshops. It enhances job satisfaction and a sense of belonging among the employees.

6. Inspiring Behavioural Changes

Wellness programs are valuable for improving employee health behaviours. Providing resources like healthy food options, fitness classes, and mental health support makes it more likely for employees to adopt healthier habits. For instance, designing a healthy menu in canteens and organising talks by qualified nutritionists inspires employees to adopt healthier lifestyle choices.

7. Decrease in Absenteeism

Minor illnesses such as stomach bugs, flu, colds, fever, and headaches are common reasons for missing work. By having a workplace wellness program in effect, these instances of absence can be minimised. Furthermore, when employees are in good health, they tend to be more committed to their work and are less likely to miss work due to illnesses, contributing to increased work hours. 

Implementation of Health and Wellness Program: Practical Tips

Supporting employee health and wellness requires a strategic approach, such as:

1. Assess Needs

Conduct surveys or focus groups to identify prevalent health concerns among employees, such as stress or sedentary lifestyles. For instance, understanding different departments, their pain points, schedules, gender ratio, and needs based on income, age and other variable parameters can help design an effective program.

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2. Communicate

Clearly communicate the program details, emphasising the direct benefits to employees. Utilise various communication channels, considering diverse linguistic contexts. For example, use interactive newsletters, in-app reminders and effective use of the intranet to communicate with all employees. An organisation with various offices should consider using regional languages in addition to English to connect with all.

3. Evaluate and Adjust

Regularly assess the program’s effectiveness through employee feedback and organisational metrics. If identified challenges include stress, introduce mindfulness workshops or meditation sessions for a more targeted approach. Also, as the employees start participating in programs, they want variation and newness. Fatigue and monotony can ruin a program by reducing employee engagement. Innovation and customisation are the keys to keeping the level of interest sustained.  

The Final Word 

The rise of a sedentary lifestyle, coupled with the fast-paced nature of work, prolonged sitting, and on-the-go meals during meetings, presents a concerning case for addressing employee well-being. Weight gain, poor posture, back pain, and increased risks of chronic diseases are among the consequences of extended hours of desk-bound work. Prioritising wellness through fitness, stress management, and support for a healthy work-life balance leads to tangible benefits, including enhanced productivity, reduced absenteeism, and heightened job satisfaction. These efforts extend beyond mere cost savings in healthcare. 

Employee wellness programs are not merely a trend. Their positive impact on productivity, employee engagement, healthcare costs, talent acquisition, and retention makes investing in wellness a forward-thinking and essential component of a workplace. 

Research Sources

1. Elements behind sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits in individuals with severe obesity

2. Proof That Positive Work Cultures Are More Productive

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